Christmas Eve

Event details

  • Thursday | December 24, 2017
  • All Day

Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve

10:00 am – Christmas in the Stable, a child-friendly worship service.  The Christmas Joy Offering will be received at this service and the Fourth Advent Candle will be lit.  Children (of all ages) are encouraged to come dressed as a character from the Christmas story.  We’ll also need some animals, so children can bring along a camel or a stuffed donkey as well.  (Before worship, there will also be some costumes in Assembly Hall for anyone to wear in the service.) As the Christmas story is told, those children wishing to come forward will be invited to do so.  We’ll sing carols, hear the Christmas story in a new way, share prayers and rejoice in the coming of Christ as light of the world.

Christmas in the Cathedral will be the traditional Lessons and Carols service.  Come at 7:00 pm to hear the musical prelude. The service begins at 7:30 pm.  Join us on the eve of our Savior’s birth as we hear the prophecy of Micah and Isaiah and the story of Christ’s birth from Luke and Matthew.  We’ll join in singing favorite carols and listen as the choir sings carols as well.  The service will culminate with the gospel reading from John where Christ is declared the light of the world, and we will share this light with one another.