Canceled: Labyrinth on 6/20 because of extreme heat

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About Us

Bringing the Light of Faith to All.

Founded in 1763, First Presbyterian, First Pres for short, is an intergenerational congregation with a welcoming spirit that attracts individuals living in the outlying suburbs and villages, as well as in the City of Albany. Our “tent” is large and intentionally inclusive: 

  • From the new-born to 90-something, we represent a wonderful mix of races and heritages, drawing from both American and international traditions. 
  • Sexual orientations and family status vary greatly among us. 
  • Some of us struggle with physical challenges. 
  • Special attention is paid to families with children and teenagers through the development of a robust Christian education program that serves all ages.


Anyone exploring the faith for the first time is welcome at First Pres. While our congregation tends to be progressive in thinking both theologically and socially, it is with a spirit of openness and frank discussion that we welcome all who struggle with the Bible and pressing issues of our day. Connecting faith with action is a principle our congregation holds dear. We believe Jesus’ teachings and presence can help give an individual, a family, a church or a whole society a noble purpose that can improve our lives.

New to First Pres? Join us! 

Our Mission Statement, 2023

First Presbyterian Church is a community for all people where apprentices of Jesus seek to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.

Our Vision Statement, 2023:

We are called by God to envision and work toward eradicating systemic poverty, eliminating structural racism and sharing the experience of the good news of God’s love, peace and joy.

Our Denomination

First Pres is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). This is the largest and oldest Presbyterian denomination in the United States. Learn more here.