Canceled: Labyrinth on 6/20 because of extreme heat

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Adult Education

Adult education provides engaging and enriching learning experiences that foster spiritual growth, deepen understanding of faith and practices, and cultivate a sense of community among our members.

Adult Education Classes 

We have a vibrant community of learners who gather every Sunday at 9:15 from September to June, both in-person in the Rose Room and virtually via Zoom. Led by Pastor Glenn, the class covers diverse topics and occasionally features other church members or guest speakers. Seasonal themes, such as Advent or Lent, are also explored during appropriate times of the year.

Inquirer Classes for New Members

Separate classes are available for individuals seeking to learn more before committing to joining First Pres. These sessions, led by Pastor Miriam, are known as Inquirer Classes or colloquially as “First Pres 101.” Here, participants receive a comprehensive overview of our faith and practices, with ample opportunity for questions. Check our events calendar for the next set of classes. 

Small Groups for Spiritual Growth

Small Groups at First Pres consist of intimate gatherings of 10 or fewer members, meeting regularly to foster relationships with one another and God. These groups covenant/agree to meet twice a month for sharing, study, and prayer, nurturing deep connections and spiritual growth. With currently five active groups, we always welcome the formation of new Small Groups to enrich our community.


The church has a library of adult books on topics ranging from the Bible to spiritual formation and social issues. A selection are on display each Sunday in Assembly Hall and may be signed out by members and friends. Click here for a listing of our most current titles. 

Have questions or ideas? Reach out to Pastor Glenn via email or Pastor Miriam via email.