Canceled: Labyrinth on 6/20 because of extreme heat

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Welcome to First Pres! We are a welcoming faith community, embracing individuals of all backgrounds and orientations, making inclusivity a fundamental part of our faith, and fostering an open and accepting atmosphere.

No matter where you find yourself on the spectrum, whether you’re deeply committed to the Christian faith, just starting to investigate Christianity, or anywhere in between, you’re welcome here at First Pres.

What to Expect

At First Pres, we practice traditional worship but without a conservative message. In short, we’re on the side of Jesus—we try to do what he says instead of what people wish he said. We approach our faith with a forward-thinking and progressive mindset, bridging the wisdom of the past with the aspirations of the future. Learn more about our upcoming services. 

Inquirer Class

Twice a year, in fall and spring, Co-pastor Miriam Lawrence Leupold hosts two consecutive Sunday sessions from 9:15 to 10:15 for those interested in joining First Pres Church. These sessions explore membership responsibilities, benefits, and what it means to be Presbyterian. Questions are welcomed to help individuals discern if membership is right for them. While the path to full engagement as a member varies, there are numerous ways people discover their connection with us. Check our events calendar for the next set of classes.