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Welcome to the
First Presbyterian

Church of Albany

First Presbyterian
has a long history
in the city of Albany

Established in 1763, First Presbyterian has been an active leader in the community, ministering to the needs of people both in the neighborhood and around the world.

We are a congregation that works for peace and justice in our society.

Glenn and Miriam Lawrence Leupold, Co-Pastors


We believe in the living God. We believe it is central to our lives to gather weekly to connect with our creator, to be reminded of whose we are, to sense God’s nearness, to challenge our minds, to encourage our souls, and to lift our spirits in dispiriting times.


As First Pres member Freda Gardner has said on more than one occasion, “Everything the church does, teaches.” Worship shows the world what we value. Helping the poor teaches our children what we value. Everything we do has an education component.


Serving others means doing acts of care and compassion to help alleviate suffering and make the world a bit more like the Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed was breaking into the world. Jesus commanded his followers to love one another.

First Fridays at
First Presbyterian

First Friday at First Presbyterian is a monthly arts night that showcases the Capital Region’s abundant variety of talented musicians and visual artists. It’s also a great opportunity for members of First Pres, Albany residents and the wider Capital Region community to share fellowship and build connections through art and music.


Sunday Worship
Sunday, June 9
Sunday: Labyrinth