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[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”110″]1. What time are your services?[/togglehead]
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[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”112″]2. I have never actually attended a protestant church service. Will I have trouble following it?[/togglehead]
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No, you will not. Ushers will give you a Sunday worship program that will lead you through the service. Sometimes we stand. Sometimes we sit. On and off we sing as a group. You can take your cue from others. On Sundays when communion is served, all are invited to partake but participation is your choice—it is never obligatory.
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”114″]3. Is communion always served?[/togglehead]
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Communion is served each Sunday. The congregation is served at the front of the sanctuary, coming forward by the center aisle and returning by the side aisles. Communion is by intinction – take a piece of bread from the loaf or a piece of pita from the plate, dip it into the cup of juice, and eat. When served, you may respond by saying “Amen,” “Thanks be to God,” or another response. You may choose a sealed prepackaged communion element from one of the baskets – the ones with “GF” are gluten-free. If you prefer to receive communion in the pew, you may remain in your seat and signal an usher. Servers will bring you the elements.
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”116″]4. What should I wear?[/togglehead]
[togglebody tab_id=”116″]Come as you like. Most of us are pretty casual, but some wear ties and dresses. Others sometimes come in traditional African dress. Whatever you wear, be comfortable and be yourself. You will be welcomed whatever you wear. [/togglebody]
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”118″]5. Where can I park?[/togglehead]
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First Presbyterian Church is located at the corner of State and Willett on the northeast corner of Washington Park in downtown Albany, one block above Lark Street. Our parking lot (off State St.) is dedicated to visitors and to serving those with physical needs during services. A CDTA Star bus also stops in front of a ramp accessible from the sidewalk on Willett Street.
Parking can also be found in the park close to the church or on several streets near-by: State Street, Willett, Northern Boulevard, Lark, Washington Avenue.
Free parking is also available on Sundays at a nearby commercial parking lot, entrance on Washington Avenue next to Mamoun’s restaurant.
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”120″]6. I’m not a member, can I still come?[/togglehead]
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Of course!
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”121″]7. What if I’m not a Christian?[/togglehead]
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Still welcome!
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”122″]8. What if I’m gay?[/togglehead]
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Still welcome! First Pres has a long history of advocating support of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender and Queer issues and encouraging full participation in the church.
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”124″]9. Poor?[/togglehead]
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Still welcome!
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”126″]10. And if I am physically challenged?[/togglehead]
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First Presbyterian Church is handicap accessible. Pews in our sanctuary were reconfigured some years ago to more easily integrate wheelchairs alongside the pews. Large-print Sunday programs are available and also audio amplification.
Our latest building improvement is an elevator that permits access to all floors of our education building. The elevator is accessible from the parking lot on State Street. This parking lot is reserved for those with physical needs and any visitors. There is also a ramp accessible from the sidewalk on Willett Street where the CDTA STAR bus stops.
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”128″]11. Can I bring my kids?[/togglehead]
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Children of all ages are welcome at both worship services, and participation in worship of children 5-6 years and older is strongly encouraged. You don’t have to worry if your kids make noise during church. We’re used to it. A staffed Nursery is usually available between 8:45am-12:15pm for families who desire childcare for infants through 5 years old.
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”130″]12. I get it, but what I really meant to ask is, “Do you have special programming for kids?”[/togglehead]
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During the school year (September – June) from 9:15 to 10:15 am First Pres offers age-appropriate “hands-on” participatory programs for both children and teenagers: music, theater, crafts, worship, community service, field trips and much more! Because we believe strongly in the value of education for all, an hour-long adult education program is also made available for parents to attend if they like while their children attend their classes. Topics led by the pastors, members of the congregation, or outside guest experts vary greatly, but an over-arching goal is always to stimulate and expand our cultural, historical and biblical understanding of the issues presented.
9:15 – 10:15 Preschool Education (ages 3 thru Kindergarten)
9:15 – 10:15 Children’s Education (Grades 1-5)
9:15 – 10:15 Youth Education (Grades 6-12)
9:15 – 10:15 Adult Education
The adult class is also available via zoom, and those zoom links are available in the Thursday eblast(email). Contact info@firstpresalbany.
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”132″]13. Are there other ways I can get involved?[/togglehead]
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Absolutely. Here are three simple ways to get to know us better, and to see different ways you can start to become more involved:
First: fill out the Yellow Welcome Card located in the vestibule and in the pew racks so that we can add you to our e-mailing list. A weekly e-mail blast provides lots of information regarding future events and will give you a chance to see the many ways that first Pres connects both with its congregation as well as with the community at large. You do not have to be a member to receive the e-blast. If you prefer to receive communications from us via surface mail, we will need your mailing address.
Then: take a good look at the various headings in this website. Under “Worship,” “Education for All,” “Serving others” and “Events” you’ll find the fullest run-down of the many opportunities available for personal growth and development, plus social gatherings that serve to bind us together as a unique, diverse, and very engaged “extended” family. If you’d like to talk to the person who has oversight over a special program, contact FPC member Carol Bullard (518-463-8256 or [email protected]), and she will see that you are connected with the right person.
And finally, when you feel ready, start wearing a name tag! You can request one at the sign-up table located in the area outside the inner church doors. We’ll make it for you and put it on the nametag board in Assembly Hall. We try to wear name tags at Sunday services to help all of us reach out to newer folks and make everyone feel welcome. In the end, of course, the extent to which you wish to become involved is totally up to you!
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”134″]14. And if I want to consider becoming a member?[/togglehead]
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Twice a year, once in the fall, and again in the spring, Co-pastor Miriam Lawrence Leupold holds two consecutive sessions from 9:15 to 10:15 on Sundays for individuals wishing to explore membership at First Pres Church. What responsibilities are members asked to undertake? What benefits and opportunities come with membership? And just what does it mean to be a “Presbyterian” in the first place? Questions are encouraged and openly discussed in the spirit of helping all interested persons discern if becoming a member is right for them.
In the end there is no absolutely straight road that leads to becoming fully engaged as a member, but there are many wonderful ways by which people “find” their way to us. View What Members Are Saying and you will see!
[togglehead id=”11″ tab_id=”136″]15. May I speak with one of the pastors if I have more questions?[/togglehead]
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Definitely. They are a phone call away: 518-449-7332.[/togglebody]